Sport and Exercise Psychology

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Psychology and cardiac disease:

As individuals we face success, failure, and several other challenging situations that make it difficult to manage emotions, stay focused, and make decisions. The Sport and Exercise Psychology Services offered at Prakruti SSPC will help you - as an athlete or an exerciser - to equip yourself with the required skills needed to overcome the challenges you face.

Our program is individually tailored to meet your needs or the needs of your team with a help of a Sport and Exercise Psychological Assessment and Profiling. Mentioned below are some of the Sport and Exercise Psychology Programs run by us.

Psychology for children in sports:

The formative years in children are of utmost importance, as the brain can be shaped and molded in ways not possible at later stages of one's life. Young athletes benefit from Mental Training programs in terms of their dedication and discipline in sport, and ultimately business and life. This program includes Concentration and Attention training, Emotional Intelligence training, and also aims at developing self-esteem at a young age.

Psychology for elite athletes:

Athletes competing at a more advanced level can benefit from Mental Training that focuses on developing a skillset through techniques and strategies that will help them overcome pre-game nerves, replicate practice performance in matches, and overcome choking and anxiety. It will also help them recover quickly from errors during matches, as well as help them perform consistently with both higher and lower ranked players.

Psychology in injury and recovery:

Injury brings with it loss of confidence and motivation, higher levels of stress, loss of enjoyment in sports, fear of competing again, among other problems. Attending a Sport and Exercise Psychology session could help you regain your confidence, improve mood and motivation levels. Injury rehabilitation is 75% psychological and 25% physiological (Hershman, Nicholas & Thompson, 1990). You can develop the mindset required to excel.

Psychology for coaches and parents:

Coaches can benefit from integrating sport psychology and mental training in practice sessions. They can learn how to identify perfectionist athletes and help them overcome this, in turn avoiding early burnout. Our program will also enable them to understand their role in the development of their athletes, set better athlete and team goals, communicate more effectively, and work towards improving the coach-athlete relationship. Parents can benefit from understanding their role in sport and identifying ways in which they can best support their athlete.

Psychology for co-operate environment:

Sport and Business have several similarities. Both environments are characterized by competition, deadlines, setting and achieving goals, among others. Optimal performance is important, and sport psychology can help you overcome the mental demands of the workplace by creating a thriving work culture for continued peak performance. We offer programs that aim at workplace wellness, enhancing leadership and teamwork, and stress management.

Psychology for fitness:

Individuals who find it difficult to adhere to their exercise or diet related goals can benefit from Exercise Psychology by setting appropriate goals and tracking their progress throughout. Our exercise psychology program also includes pain management through relaxation, breathing exercises, and autogenic training.
