Obesity & Hypertension

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Eight years ago a 26 year old health care professional visited our clinic with a 3 month old history of "Essential Hypertension". He was 5'11'', weighed 90kgs. His Blood Pressure was 130/ 90 mm Hg and he was on Atenolol 25mg, once a day

He had erratic eating habits, travelled frequently throughout the year, often staying out for a week or more. He had a high level of mental stress, little time for physical exercise, a demanding job and an inadequate knowledge of "on the road" food choices he could make.

He was a non-smoker, did not drink much, and with a diagnosis of "high BP" was willing to try everything to get it under control!

We did a basic evaluation of his present eating pattern and a fitness evaluation. We then worked on his diet & prescribed an exercise program, which consisted of Cardio and stretches. His diet was a challenge as he was on the road most days, and we had to find healthy choices that he could make at different places. We helped him by giving him a list of foods he could choose from, and the portion sizes of various foods. He was required to meet us every three weeks. After a period of 2 months, his weight had reduced to 84 Kg and his cardiologist had cut down his medication to 12.5 mg Atenolol. We conducted another fitness evaluation, and now added some specific strength training exercises along with a cardio program. This program was specially designed for him, so that he could carry out the training at locations of his choice.

He was highly committed & followed every instruction with passion. Eight months into the rehabilitation he was put off the beta blockers completely by his cardiologist & he now weighed 74 kg.

It's been 8 years since then & he has maintained his weight loss and a healthy lifestyle. His blood pressure is now steady at 120/84!
